About Us

Welcome to the International Journal of Prevention Practice and Research (IJPPR), a leading scholarly publication dedicated to advancing the field of prevention science and practice worldwide. At IJPPR, we are committed to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, disseminating cutting-edge research, and promoting evidence-based strategies to address pressing global health and social issues.

Our Mission

The mission of IJPPR is to serve as a premier platform for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders to exchange knowledge, share innovative approaches, and enhance the effectiveness of prevention efforts across diverse populations and settings. We strive to publish high-quality research that informs practice, influences policy, and improves the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities around the globe.

What Sets Us Apart

IJPPR stands out as a trusted resource in the field of prevention practice and research due to several key distinguishing factors:

  1. Interdisciplinary Focus: We embrace a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together experts from various disciplines, including public health, psychology, sociology, education, criminology, and more, to address complex issues from diverse perspectives.

  2. Rigorous Peer Review: All submissions undergo a rigorous peer-review process conducted by experts in the field to ensure the highest standards of quality, integrity, and scholarly merit.

  3. Global Reach: IJPPR is an international journal with a global readership and contributor base. We welcome submissions from researchers and practitioners worldwide, facilitating cross-cultural exchange and collaboration.

  4. Practical Application: While we value theoretical advancements, we are particularly interested in research that has practical implications for prevention practice, policy development, and program implementation.

Our Content

IJPPR publishes a wide range of scholarly content, including original research articles, review papers, theoretical essays, case studies, and commentaries, covering topics such as:

  • Behavioral interventions
  • Health promotion
  • Substance abuse prevention
  • Mental health promotion
  • Violence prevention
  • Community-based approaches
  • Policy analysis and advocacy
  • Program evaluation and implementation science

Join Us

Whether you are a researcher, practitioner, policymaker, or student interested in prevention practice and research, we invite you to join us in advancing the field and making a meaningful impact on global health and well-being. Explore our latest issues, submit your work for consideration, and become part of our vibrant community dedicated to prevention excellence.

Thank you for your interest in the International Journal of Prevention Practice and Research. Together, we can build a healthier, safer, and more resilient world.